Tuesday 11 November 2008

KEITH VARNES - Governor Blog

On Thursday (6 November 2008) I spent some time visiting the school and was very pleased with what I saw.

• Children knew what they were learning and were able to talk about it.
• Throughout my visit all children were attentive and very well behaved.
• Participation was good and all appeared to enjoy the lessons.
• Good work was encouraged, praised and rewarded.

In school assembly we all learnt about the reason poppies are now being worn and the significance of Remembrance Sunday was explained.

With the children in 2CE I learnt how to use reference books and how to look things up in the contents page, index and glossary.

Children in 5E have been studying ‘Streetchild’ and were demonstrating their understanding of the book through drama. In groups they acted a ‘freeze frame’ scene from the book with the watching children having to name the characters.

Children in 6L have been looking at rhythm and rhyme in poetry analysing what makes this type of verse work. Working with their talking partners they wrote their own poems which were read aloud.

Children in RC were having lots of fun working at activity tables.
I saw examples of very good handwriting and heard about bonfire night fireworks. The children also showed me how they could look and listen quietly.

I would like to say thank you to Class RC for letting me have school dinner with them; they were extremely helpful showing me where to go and what to do